Hush is a licensed Escort Booking and Marketing Agency providing a professional Safe Space for escorts.

Our upscale downtown Victoria location facilitates our members to share marketing resources including quality photography sets complete with props, and accessories such as studio lighting. Vogue’s mentoring and shared learning approach further facilitates the successful promotion of our members’ online and social media presence.
Risks and costs often associated with 3rd party photography are removed. Mentoring and supporting one another fosters a professional and safe environment for our members.
Vogue screens potential clients, provides drivers, and provides an outcall monitoring safety net mitigating risk for our members from bad actors.
Booking agencies along with the escort industry generally moving online has significantly reduced street traffic and the many risks that came along with that. Gone are street thug pimps, drive by customers, drug abuse, and red light walking streets. City neighbourhoods have also been reclaimed being safer and more appealing for local residents, businesses and tourists.
Health Safety
Cool Aid has partnered with Vogue to provide regular in-house health checks for our members. Drug abuse is not tolerated at Vogue.